
Situated in beautiful countryside on the edge of Ogden Moor, Mount Zion is one of only two Methodist heritage chapels in Calderdale

A grade II* listed building, it is no longer used for its original purpose on a regular basis. It is a ‘heritage’ chapel, sympathetically preserved and maintained. It is not a museum, but a vibrant, living space, which may be accessed and used in a variety of ways by all members of the community.

Regular meetings ceased in 2014 when the building became a heritage chapel, but worship still takes place six times a year to mark important events in the history of the Methodist Church and significant times in the Christian calendar; the Chapel remains licensed for weddings (same sex and opposite sex couples) and burials are possible in the monumental graveyard for those with pre-existing rights.

Through its architecture, art, artefacts and archives, it tells the story of Methodism and as an early New Connexion 'Kilhamite' chapel, is well placed to explore Alexander Kilham's influence on Methodism, democracy and social justice. 

The first Mount Zion (Sion) Chapel was erected in 1773. It was replaced by the current one in 1815. 



John Wesley (the founder of Methodism), first visited Mount Zion in 1774. He is believed to have stayed in the sexton’s cottage which adjoins the chapel, in a room now known as the ‘Prophet’s Chamber’.

The original foundation stone and sundial remain. The Chapel’s nineteenth century interior dates from 1881, it was designed by Leeming and Leeming and is largely original. The traditional pew rent board is still in situ in the vestry and the Anneessans organ which was installed in 1892 remains in working order.

The Chapel now houses the Hird Collection of Methodist ceramics and a growing range of documents and artefacts. We have an accessions policy, which limits what we are now able to accept into our archive, but are particularly interested in adding New Connexion/Kilhamite artefacts and documents to the collection.

Mount Zion has a comprehensive, open access, database of burial records, and an on online graveyard plan. A wide range of  important Chapel records and documents are held by the West Yorkshire Archive Service. These are available for community use. The graveyard plan, records and lists of documents may be accessed via this link: Records and Documents.