April 21st - Open Day and Anniversary 11.00 am to 5.00 pm

'From Wesley to the World Wide Web' 

 A special day to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of John Wesley first visiting and preaching at Mount Zion. Pop up exhibition of samples from the Methodist Tapestries Collection; Methodist history and the campaign for social justice. Special service 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm.


June 25th - Halifax Antiquarian Society Evening

The history of Mount Zion, the Kilhamites and the New Connexion movement. 


September 14th and 15th September Heritage Open Days 2024

This year's theme is:  Routes - Networks - Connexions

Come and explore Mount Zion Heritage Chapel and grounds. The Chapel and burial ground will be open to the public on Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th September 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. Talks, guided tours and refreshments.  All welcome!









September 17th, 18th, 19th September - Schools' Heritage Trails

 Please see Education page for more details.


September 22nd - Community Harvest Festival.       

Come and celebrate the gathering of the harvest. All welcome! Time and programme details TBC.


October -  Mount Zion Oral History Project

Do you have a long association with Mount Zion and the Upper Brockholes, Ogden areas?  Would you be willing to talk to small groups of children so that your experiences may be recorded for posterity? If you are able to help in any way at all, please contact the heritage worker.  We are currently in the process of seeking funding for this important project..... so watch this space!


14th and 15th December - Community Christmas Events 

Community events and services for both children and adults, including a Carol Service and Christingle. Details to follow shortly.